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The COMIQ network is coordinated at Aarhus University (AU). Please find contact information below. 

Scientific Coordinator

Professor Michael Drewsen

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Aarhus University

Ny Munkegade
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Cell:  +45 2338 2354
Fax:   +45 8612 0740

Administrative Coordinator

Celia Haldan Voetmann

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Aarhus University

Ny Munkegade
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Cell:  +45 2338 7727
Fax:   +45 8612 0740

Financial Coordinator

Martin Jepsen

Ny Munkegade
DK-8000 Aarhus C

Tel.:  +45 3029 3123
Fax:   +45 8612 0740



2014.11.13 | COMIQ

Publication: Observation of electric-dipole-forbidden infrared transitions in cold molecular ions

Prof. Stefan Willitsch at University of Basel publishes in Nature Physics.

Scheme of the experimental setup. LCE, laser control electronics (current driver and temperature controller); PA, preamplifier, bold arrows represent electrical current through the QCL.
Frequency noise PSD of the QCL measured in freerunning (A) and stabilized (B) conditions. The thin line above 100 kHz for the free-running QCL is an extrapolation of the 1∕f noise used for the linewidth determination. The “C” curve shows the frequency noise reduction achieved when stabilizing the QCL frequency to the side of the N2O transition using the same stabilization electronics and the optical signal from the MCT detector as an error signal. The corresponding full width at half-maximum (FWHM) linewidth of the laser calculated using the concept of the β-separation line [11] is also indicated in each case (at 10-ms observation time).
Simultaneous time series of the measured voltage, calculated electrical power and measured optical frequency fluctuations for the free-running (t < 10 ms) and stabilized (t > 10 ms) QCL.

2014.11.10 | COMIQ

Publication: All-electrical frequency noise reduction and linewidth narrowing in quantum cascade lasers

An easy way of laser frequency noise suppression was developed in Alpes Lasers in cooperation with the University of Neuchâtel.

Johannes Heinrich

2014.09.23 | COMIQ

Johannes Heinrich joins COMIQ

Johannes joins the group of Prof. Hilico at CNRS Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel on 1 October 2014.

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