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Programme: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN

Amount: EUR 3,966,961

Content: 13 PhDs, 1 postdoc

Period: 48 months

Starting date: 1 November 2013

Partners: 12 (9 research groups, 2 SMEs, 1 associated SME)

Countries: DK, DE, F, A, CH, GB

Coordinator: Aarhus University (AU), Denmark


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 607491 - COMIQ. The network activities are coordinated by Aarhus University.


COMIQ (COld Molecular Ions at the Quantum limit) will investigate how cooling, trapping, and control techniques applied to molecular ions can expand the realm of quantum technology, enhance precision meaurements on molecular systems and lead to chemistry at the ultracold quantum limit.

The network is supported by the European Commission (FP7) under the sub-programme PEOPLE (Marie Curie Actions). 13 early stage researchers will obtain training in all relevant topics of the field; molecular physics, quantum optics, ion trapping and cooling, chemical reactions, spectroscopic techniques, theoretical and computational chemistry, and physical chemistry. The training will be provided by 9 universities/laboratories and 3 private companies from 6 different countries in Europe. ­





2017.08.07 | COMIQ

4th COMIQ Newsletter

The fourth COMIQ newsletter is out.

2016.10.26 | COMIQ

Fellow news

Two new fellows join the COMIQ project during the fall of 2016

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